Camellia Oil 125ml & 500ml
Henry Eckert Camellia Oil is 100% pure and certified organic. The oil is great to keep your tools, blades & knives tarnish & rust free. Camellia has been used for centuries in Japan. Simply spray onto a cloth and wipe down the tool after use. Allow the oil to oxidise (dry) for a minute or so before inserting into a close fitting item like a plane sock. Keep the saturated cloth in an airtight container for easy and economical future use. The oil will not mark your wood workpiece when you use the tool again. This pure organic oil can be used for personal cosmetic use and as a massage oil after a long day in the workshop!
Two sizes, 250ml & 500ml.
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Camellia Oil – 250ml & 500ml
$24.00 – $43.00Clear250ml500ml